
Smart technology for safety and process improvement

Companies in the transport sector are bound by strict security requirements and are subject to increasingly stringent surveillance. Camera surveillance is often used in combination with surveillance. But: who continuously reads the images, and who can intervene immediately? VCS implements 24/7 smart camera surveillance.
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Greater safety and efficiency

With our camera systems, VCS helps deter theft; we also contribute to process improvements. Our cameras record the loading and unloading of goods and make the process transparent to operators. Thanks to our systems, operators implement improvements remotely. Even under the most extreme conditions. The result: more safety and a more efficient process.

Thermal detection shield

We implemented a thermal detection shield around the entire premises for several clients. Everyone was detectable easily and accurately, even at night, in heavy rain, snow or fog. By placing the cameras in a roof tile construction, it was possible to see the entire terrain. Detection occurs in 'detection areas' on the camera image, as a virtual fence. As soon as a person enters this plane, the system triggers an alarm. The ``normal`` cameras in the affected area turn automatically to the position of the alarm. When people are detected, the cameras follow the person in question so that you do not lose sight of them. This is essential – especially in large areas.
The thermal cameras are equipped with intelligent software. This software allows us to make the camera system intelligent and filter out unnecessary information. For example, the software distinguishes between vehicles, people, and animals in the detection zone. In addition, the system detects when one or more persons are lingering near the fence for a longer period of time.

Pan-tilt zoom cameras

Camera surveillance is often used in conjunction with surveillance. But: who reads the images continuously, can react immediately? Sometimes there is insufficient visibility, in the dark or due to fog. Many areas require more, especially if a location is a possible target for a terrorist attack. Innovative technology helps your security guards do their job, with proper and timely alerts.
Our thermal cameras are supported by pan-tilt-zoom cameras. These cameras are triggered when they see abnormal movements. For example, a person climbing over a fence is automatically tracked by the cameras. They are proactive thanks to the automatic tracking system. And with electronic perimeter fencing, an alarm sounds if a person or vehicle enters or leaves a particular area.

Automated Number Plate Recognition

Finally, your security wants to know what transportation is coming in and who is coming in with what combination. Our cameras are capable of mapping this exactly, with ANPR (Automated Number Plate Recognition) registration cameras. These cameras detect the license plate number of the truck plus trailer and continue to follow it. So, it is always clear who is carrying and/or transporting what. Or what zones/areas someone has been in on the property.
VCS Camera Transport

Featured products

  • Camera surveillance

    Intelligent cameras recognize objects and people. With a combination of thermal cameras and steerable cameras, camera surveillance brings every intruder into focus, even at night. Common (-looking) traffic can also be monitored purposefully, by ANPR license plate registration cameras.

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  • Mobile camera surveillance

    VCS can place a temporary camera with mobile Internet connection at virtually any location. This is extremely effective for timely visualization of acute threats, such as theft or vandalism. They can also be used for additional surveillance and monitoring high-risk objects.

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  • Smart cameras

    The 'smart city' has become indispensable in public spaces. The basis for this are smart cameras. It is often thought that these solutions are only available for (large) cities. That is not true. Smart cameras also offer numerous opportunities for transport companies.

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Carel ten Horn - VCS Observation

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Are you curious what VCS can do for your organization? Contact Carel ten Horn via e-mail or call us on +310416541010.

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